Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gratitude. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Flags from Patti Schaffer.

"Each flag was dedicated to one of the 3 doctors or 2 medical centers I credit with saving my life. I thought good wishes or thanks which each stitch. The squares are silk. You can't tell but there is silver metallic thread with the white on the gold pieces.

Thanks for the blog."

Monday, April 14, 2014


Michele Bilyeu shares her Gratitude  today by posting:

I am feeling so very grateful for the beauty of Spring flowers, the sound of early morning bird song, the playful antics of dozens of little squirrels as they perform their high wire acts from limb to limb. I am grateful for the budding of new leaves on trees, the buzzing of bees, and the sweet sound of humming birds as they flit back and forth from our many feeders to fresh blooms in the yard.

Grateful that my youngest sister-in-law, Shelley, with advanced Stage 4 lung cancer is holding her own, after her 7th chemotherapy treatment. She and my brother fly from Juneau to Seattle every three weeks for another round of treatment, so while it might seem discouraging that they she is now on 'maintenance' levels, that is actually a good thing. She is holding her own and still striving to live until her second grandchild is born in May.

Grateful that my brother in Eagle River who battles one round of pneumonia, and one medically induced coma after another, is now feeling well enough to have some physical therapy to get his strength back. And his wife, with end-stage kidney disease, is now back to holding her own against the increasing odds of finally "being sick enough" to make her way up on the kidney transplant list.

Life if filled with so many challenges, but we focus on the good, the daily gratitudes of health, happiness, and the ability to bear whatever pains we might feel that day.....
read more at:

With Heart and Hands with Michele Bilyeu

Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome Sunshine!

Prayer Flags

Ever since pinning these to my Prayer Flag board on Pinterest. I have been wanting to do something similar.
Yesterday , while some lovely but rare Winter sunshine gave us a much needed reprieve from all the rain and gloom that has been with us for what seems like forever, I finally managed make some similar flags.

Prayer Flags

This one is to express my gratitude that my coastal home has come through unscathed from the huge storms that have been battering the British coast. We are high up, away from the danger of flooding and thankfully the roof tiles are all still in place. Many others have not been so fortunate.

Prayer Flags
Springtime Dreaming

I am sure that I am not the only one willing Spring to arrive. A gift from across the ocean did all the work for me with this one, as the threads and silks just fitted the bill for this wild flag. For now these are safe from winds and back inside, but I look forward to giving them a spot in the garden once conditions improve.

Prayer Flags

...and while I have your attention :D ...
I want to thank those of you who continue to send us your prayer flags. If you are looking at this via a Reader come take a look at the new header that I have put together, and for those who have been asking for a blog button with code, there is now one done.
Keep those flags coming. All kinds are welcome, whether you have spent hours or simply thrown them together in a lot less time!!
Stay warm and safe, Deborah

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The Prayer Flag Project

Michele Bilyeu shares her newest prayer flags as she writes:

My prayer flags of blessings are flying high in the winds of gratitude.  Blessings of gratitude for all of the many miracles in all of our lives, gratitude for patriotism that unites rather than divides us, and love for the good that is done in this world by so many.

The Prayer Flag Project

And my heart filled with blessings as my brother was brought back and out of his medically induced coma, on Valentine's Day!!!.
Read more at:

My Heart Filled With Blessings

Friday, September 6, 2013

Collection of Flags

Here is a picture of my prayer flag.  I love this idea.  This is the  first prayer flag I have made, but it won't be my last. Good wishes are on the wind  today.

Kim Heidemeyer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In Gratitude

For the past 18 years I have taught an adaptive yoga class for the local chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to a wonderful enthusiastic group.  This summer, when the NMSS could no longer fund the class, its future was uncertain.  Happily the management at the facility, where we have held classes for a number of years, generously decided to donate the space to us, allowing students to continue to benefit from yoga.  Thank you Angel City Body Kinetics! 

These flags, inspired by the flag for my neighbor, are in celebration of the sun shining brightly on our class again.

Earlier post:  "Gift of Sunshine" 
This was the original flag I created and gave to a friend and neighbor who is very ill... to send a little sunshine his way.  I love using sun images, personally finding them healing and energizing to work with.  What better way to share something?  Saying beyond words,  "I am thinking of you."  
Many years ago, when moving across the street to a new apartment, Mike kindly gave me a staghorn fern that he couldn't house in the new place.  Over the years it has done really well in my yard, in fact, doubled in size growing through the lattice to the backside.  The wonder of nature!  He would appreciate that.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Linda Miller: Trust

This lovely flag was made by Linda Miller.  I love how it is hanging among the fig leaves in her garden.  May we all trust ourselves...  

Here is the description in Linda's own words:

Trust is for all of us to connect with what is good in our lives, and to remember that goodness is always available within us.  For a start, I send this out to my nephew going to his college orientation.  May he trust himself enough to maintain a sense of openness moving out into the world.

To make the flag, I used some raw silk from my stash that I had covered with leaf rubbings several years ago.  To that I appliqued, painted, and embroidered further on the flag.

It is a pleasure tocontribute to another flag project in a new format, and to widen the creative circle.