Saturday, June 30, 2012


This flag was made by Linda Miller as a reminder that everything does indeed  change.  That is the one thing we can count on in this life, is it not?!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hearts Mend

Anne Westhart joins us and writes" I've recently completed my first prayer flag.  My goal is to do a prayer flag that will correspond to each chapter of an art book that I'm working on.  This flag is special in that it's my first flag but its words have thus far been one of the greatest lessons that I've learned about life and living."   

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Flags for breathing and healing

Sona Nast made these flags for her friend, Paul, who recently had a double lung transplant due to having pulmonary fibrosis. Sona writes "he is recovering well so far.  There is a fund raiser for him this week and I'm going to bring the flags for him (he won't be there because of his fragile immune system).I hope he likes them and that they bring him good healing."   

Sunday, June 24, 2012

strength and hope

Penelope Globe from Ottawa, Ontaria, Canada has created this flag for "A prayer for strength and hope through a dark period of family despair." 

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Deborah here. I recently finished a piece based on the tradition of Welsh Quilting. Naturally there were a few scraps.

I have a busy few months coming up and I need to Focus. Hope these flags help, and wishing you all the focus you may need to get through.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


This flag is for that continuing aspiration to find peace....within. 

Made by Linda Miller

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012


Sonja Louise Hagemann with a new flag for thank you.
She writes: "Mahalo is a word for Thank is a one word prayer of being grateful and aware of all beauty around you."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012


See Beauty in all things by Jamie Fingal

My collection of Prayer Flags in my art studio

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May You Be Healed

This flag is for my dear friend, Elizabeth Dailey, who is having surgery.  May the healing begin.

Made by Linda Miller.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Art helps to heal

Cheryl English, from Colorado writes about her flag "I started making these flags after my husband passed away in January 2012 and I joined a grievance group.  This flag is my first.  I used rusted fabrics laid over a canvas backing.  The rusted bits represents all the tears I've shed over these months.  These flags have gotten me back into my studio and making art."

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kim's flags

Kim Tedrow with two more flags.  "Grace" You can read about the flag here.

 "Baby Girl Tedrow"  read about it here.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


hello. this is libbyQ and  i'm happy to be a new contributor to The Prayer Flag Project Blog.
this is my first prayer flag but it will definitely not be my last. for more on this flag and my process visit me at:

Hope, Faith, Joy, Dreams

Nancy Maxwell James joins us. 

Nancy writes "Hope, Faith, Joy and Dreams…prayers for those we love and those we may not know but support spiritually. I loved the history behind them and the way one could express themselves through art and healing. In my eyes “prayers” are from all faiths and a support network that each of us can share."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Forgive, by Kim Tedrow
Kim Tedrow here. This prayer flag is about the act of forgiveness. I intentionally worded it as "forgive" (an action) rather than "forgiveness" (a thing). To read more about this flag, it's symbolism and how it was made, go to here.

Flags from Victoria McOmie

Victoria McOmie writes "Here are my first set of prayer flags. I was inspired about a year ago to write my own prayer by reading  John O'Donohue's book Eternal Echoes. I finished writing the prayer and wanted to put it on a prayer flag. I printed my prayer on drapery lining fabric by running it through my laser printer. I made more flags using fabric pastels and paints plus some more printed flags with blessings." 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hello, Deborah  O'Hare here. Over at my Quilt Routes blog I have recently set myself the task of using up some scraps that have been hanging around for quite a while. I am having a lot of fun and enjoying the process.

This flag came from the scrap bag. Sometimes it is good to put aside those things that have to be done and to just play. I hope you too can find the time for some play.