South Coast Hospice is a Non-Profit Organization that provides Palliative care and support to people living with Cancer, HIV/AIDS, and Motor Neuron Disease. Included in our programs is the care of children both infected and affected with Aids. (many Orphaned) The level of Tuberculosis (TB) and Multi drug resistant TB is extremely high in our region and we have a special team of dedicated carers who travel out everyday to treat these patients
We work in a region of South Africa - KwaZulu Natal which has a Vast rural impoverished area, where the resources are low and yet the SPIRIT is abundant! Most of our work is done in the patient's homes and through our Mobile Clinic. We do have an In-Patient Unit - Kingfisher House, which offers respite to the patients and their families, pain and symptom Control as well as end of life care..
Every year family and friends of patients that have passed away in the year are invited to attend a special candle lighting ceremony. which is organized by our Grief and Bereavement Volunteers. Each person attending has walked an arduous journey with their loved one, attending the memorial ceremony will not be easy to do and for most, it will take an act of courage.
Our Hospice is humbled by the countless acts of bravery and dedication that families have shown to support their loved ones. This year we will ask them to draw close to each other and they will see the the prayer flags flying out for them, like the weary travelers climbing out through a dark ravine, and up towards the the sun.
The messages on the flags will speak to the bereaved of the beauty of love, the very presence of faith and hope, of compassion and the sheer joy of life!
These flags have been made by the children on our program, patients, staff, volunteers, families and our hospice community in a visual and vibrant display of our love and support for each other.