
Monday, August 15, 2011

Inspirations for Working With Fabric: Give Away

Prayer flags are now hanging in my studio... two sets from Tibet, and one long string of my own from earlier this summer.  Gorgeous flags from around the world have been photographed and emailed to me for posting, and so many words of support for this project have come my way over the past six weeks.  It is time to share some inspiration with all of you!

Inspiration for the artwork on our flags comes from so many sources.  Nature photography is a common theme.  


 Many people have used sketching as a starting point.  
Jane LaFazio
Some look to their families,

Nina Lisa Moen
 and others to the world politics.
Vivika DeNegre
Maybe inspiration could also come from a book...

I have never offered a book on my blog before, but the generous publishers at Lark books have offered a complementary copy of Masters Art Quilts, Vol. 2 to one of my lucky readers.  This book showcases the talents of twenty world renowned fiber artists who use a multitude of techniques.  Inspiration and illumination from the fine photography and excellent essays in this book could be translated into some mighty interesting flags...

Leave a comment below, including your email contact information.  Additional chances to enter may be found here.  A winner will be chosen on Thursday, August 18.

A winner has been chosen and notified... thank you all for your kind comments!


  1. I would love to have this book! please put my name in the drawing

    webspinner51 AT yahoo DOT com

  2. It's been an inspiration to see all the great flags people have been making.

    I can be reached at idealmages (at) aol (dot) com. Thanks so much!

  3. Just became a follower here because I want to make some of the prayer flags.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely book!
    My email is on my blog site :-)

  4. Would love to win a copy of the book! Am so looking forward to making prayer flags for my new home!

    Kat [wtrstone at aol dot com]

  5. Oooh, I have vol. 1 of this book and it is fantastic. Please include me for the drawing. My emails is trpjobs at

  6. I have enjoyed following the project and now would enjoy winning the book!!
