
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Andrea Hawkes: Matthew's Flag

This is Andrea Hawke's most recent prayer flag.  In her own words, ...

 I continue to make flags – not as often as I would like.

The process of these flags, for me, is quite remarkable.  I began this one a few weeks ago on a piece of batik I had painted and then I started added beads, not quite knowing where it was wanting to go.  Last night as I was arriving home from a very late day at work, I heard a wonderful Canadian singer, Peter Katz, sing a powerful song called “The Fence” about Matthew Shepard who, you may remember, was murdered because he was gay. (See The Laramie project for more information, if you do not already know.)   I do not often stay in a hot car to listen to a song but this one reached an emotional chord with me.  This morning I woke up and knew exactly where the flag I had begun a few weeks ago was leading me.   I added the stitching (the fence),  a piece of tatting that my talented sister sent me, the butterfly, and of course Matthew’s name – I am overcome with sadness at the moment – there is such much hatred in this world but I also know there are wonderful people out there, like Peter Katz, who will continue to make us all aware of the things that need and can be changed. 




  1. Thank you for the beautiful flag Andrea... eventually maybe beauty will tip the balance against all of the hatred.

  2. A very beautiful flag Andrea and a wonderful message! I share your sadness but hopefully our prayers and conversations can start to change things!!
