
How to participate

The Prayer Flag Project...  Join us, if you'd like.

 The process is simple:  Just make a flag with your prayer as its theme, and hang it in the breeze for a while. Hopefully, you'll find you want to make a series of flags...

Join us!
Although the blog is no longer accepting new posts, we encourage you to join us by making a flag and fly them high.

Together we can make a difference in the world as our prayers are flown and shared with others...  Join us!


  1. what a beautiful idea and i truly want to participate. gonna meditate on style/meaning/construction and get to work. bless you so much for a beautiful inspiration!

  2. Love this! I was thumbing through the Cloth Paper Scissors March/April 2012 issue when I ran across the article by Jane LaFazio... beautiful project.
    I do see myself making a flag (maybe several) for loved-ones. I will be in touch!
    ~ Jessica

  3. This is so creative and such a worthwhile project ~ I have been to Tibet and they are beautiful people and have a beautiful country and China should leave them alone ~ Will get back to you ~~ thanks, (A Creative Harbor) Happy Weekend ^_^

  4. Very thoughtful plan/idea. I am going to think of a nice flag to create.

  5. My mom and I are in. We have a few flags in mind already. Such a beautiful idea. Our blog is and we will send and post pictures soon.

  6. I am going to make prayer flags for our garden fence! I am so inspired by this blog and so happy I found it!

  7. I was in process of gathering materials, getting ready to start my own "Prayer Flag" project, when I discovered your Blog. I am so glad to read about your project, your workshops and tutorials !! I wish I lived closer to Culver City (I live in Sonoma County, way up North) so I
    could participate in a workshop. Maybe "someday" I'll be giving a workshop up here, after I get myself started ! I'm gathering fabrics , and brushing up on setting grommets, at this time.
    It's great to find out that there are others out there with the same callings. Love, Susie / (I'm not "Anonymous", but I can't figure out the "publish" button )

  8. You have inspired me to gather my Sisters together for this project. This is quite a lovely sentiment and I'd love to do a feature for

  9. This is a lovely project... I love prayer flags as well. Perhaps as we hang our flags we can remember those in the many tragedies of late, particularly the families of the students aboard the S Korean ferry as well as the Sherpas lost on Mt Everest.

  10. The inspired idea came to me yesterday as I took my dogs for a walk in the forest. The idea has stuck and this morning I looked on Pinterest for prayer flags. I found your blog name and here I am. I will be making prayer flags and will submit my photos as I get them completed. This is going to be project of prayer and love for guidance in the next phase of my life - making "meaning" in my life. Thank you for this.

  11. I am interested in your project and will read more about it and see what I can do.

  12. I am interested in your project and will read more about it and see what I can do.

  13. Not sure my last message posted if it's duplicated I'm sorry. Is this project still going?

    1. Yes it is! Do you have some prayer flags you would like to share? If so please email your photos to me at prayerflagproject @ gmail . com
