
Friday, June 12, 2015

Fruits of the Spirit

Gal. 5:22-23 - My inspiration for this project, 1st of allies the Bible verse. Secondly, whenever I am faced with a challenge, or am on a mission trip, I pray these verses daily. I believe that if each one of us focused on these Fruits of the Spirit, our world would be a much better place!

My technique: I'm not much of a planner, so I just sort of design as I go. (I don't recommend that, it often times gets me in trouble!) I used loosely woven white fabric for each flag. I painted them with diluted paints after spraying them with water.  This way the fabric still has a soft feel. I stamped different designs on them and did some sun printing on one. I added torn strips of fabrics, some lace and left all threads uncut. Each flag is backed with silk fabric I purchased in Cambodia. I was privileged with a mission trip to teach young ladies how to sew in an orphanage there, Shelter of Love. 

-lynn baker-

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