
Friday, May 16, 2014

Flags by the Global Piecers

Lis Harwood has joined us to tell us about the prayer flag swap she is organising as co-ordinate of the Global Piecers group.

"These "Global Piecer" prayer flags will be flying off around the world and were made with some very special friends in thought and prayer.  On each flag is written the particular prayers for the individual.  

The prayer flag to the far right was made for a very special "indigo sister" who is caring for four different loved ones with severe illnesses/problems at the moment and hasn't a moment or the energy to care about herself.  My prayer flag for her includes prayers and tears.

Lis has put together an interesting post on how she put these flags together here.


  1. What an amazing selection of flags - I shall have to go and visit Lisa and her blog!

    1. Thank you Mystic Quilter. Come on over, you'd be very welcome.

  2. These are quite beautiful; I like the "ethnic" look a lot.

  3. The Indigo Sister will be thrilled with these....bless her ......the flags would make anyone happy ...they're pretty awesome Lis !

  4. I love this. I am thinking of a prayer bunting on my porch for the warmer months to spread peace.

  5. I am sorry I missed this. Let's do it again! Lord knows this world needs some peace and harmony now!

    1. I am with you Pollygee! I would love to do this. After seeing the old post dates I couldn't believe you posted just 5 days ago. Yay! Let's make this happen!
      Susan Fr
