
Monday, March 17, 2014

Sending Wishes

Today we hear from Maryly Matthewman

"Well our Prayer Flag Project is taking a turn now, a detour so to speak. We started out by calling our Prayer Flags, Wish Flags as they were for a little boy of 5 years diagnosed with an inoperable rare Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma brain tumor last May. DIPG they called it. Devastating news to his family. I watched on his blog as people sent prayers and wishes his way while he was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy at St. Judes Hospital in Memphis. Then I remembered reading about The Prayer Flag Project and I approached the family with this idea. How about sending wishes in a flag?  It was something his friends could grasp and understand, a Wish Flag. John would sit in his hospital bed with a fishing net and catch the wishes coming his way. There were  many other events in our community for this little boy. Fund raisers, Make a Wish Events, a dinner which was an evening of strength and hope in honor of John Bradley Thompson. An art show, so many things. There are so many things that have come out of this whole event but one thing that is so strong is the strength and hope of a family and the whole community.  I have sent a pic of some of the Wish Flags surrounding a center logo for The Cure Starts Now.  So many signatures and wishes on this quilt, it radiates positive energy.  John Bradley Thompson is not doing very well now. He is in a wheelchair now and tomorrow I will bring this quilt to his family so he can be surrounded by the love and warmth of his friends.  Please check out The Cure Starts Now, THINKJOHNBRADLEY.COM, and help in any way you can to fight childhood cancer. Support St Jude's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.   
Very Sincerely Yours, Maryly Matthewman, Meredith, NH." 

1 comment:

  1. Prayers, Wishes, Healing Thoughts, and Love. They're all the same and I, for one, am gathering up all of the prayers, wishes, healing thoughts, and love that I can find as far as my energetic reach can grasp and sending them to this dear little boy and his family and friends. May all of the prayers and wishes fly as high as our flags do and may he and his family feel all of our love across the miles. (((((love and wishes)))))
