
Friday, March 7, 2014

Hope and Healing

Earlier in the week here in New Zealand a little 7year old Japanese girl, named Sakurako, was attacked by four dogs. She had more than 100 bites to her face and body. We were told that 90% of her face had been destroyed. I dare not begin to imagine what this little one is facing in the days, months and years ahead, nor what her parents are going through.
 After watching an interview with members of the surgical and reconstructive team on TV last evening and reading the latest report in the newspaper this morning I had to leave the detailed Prayer Flag which I was working on for a friend with cancer and  made a very simple one for Sakurako. I have not written any words on the Flag, words failed me, but I hope all who read this will think of her and her parents and hope for peace and courage for them all in the years ahead.

The design and stitching is basic but I wanted it that way, showing ragged edges and stitches, just a heart symbolising love.

I have hung the Flag onto the rose trellis outside our lounge window on the verandah, others will join it there.

This is my first post as a direct contributor so if I have "strayed" in any way please do let me know.


  1. Thank you for sharing your poignant, heartfelt flag Maureen.

    1. Thank you Deborah - sometimes things happen and you have to drop everything and follow what your heart tells you to do - hence my prayer flag. So glad I found The Prayer Flag Project

  2. what a lovely piece! I will keep that dear sweet little one in my heart goes out to her.

    1. Thank you for your prayers for her - she will need so many!

  3. Sometimes, there are no words, and sometimes, no words are even needed. The love in this little flag says it all. Thank you for sharing this heart breaking story. We shall all send love and prayers across the miles for Sakurako. No matter where we live, or where we leave our flags, the winds will blow our love and thoughts across the miles. A lovely prayer flag, Maureen.

    1. Michele thank you for your moving words above and for your love and prayers for her, she certainly needs them, and for a long time to come sadly.

  4. What a beautiful prayer flag for a courageous wee girl. This tragedy has touched the hearts of many of us here in New Zealand.

    1. Thank you Maree, I agree this awful tragedy has touched many of us here in NZ, sadly these attacks are happening all too frequently aren't they?

  5. Very moving. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Chrystel I just had to share what had happened to this little girl, than k you for reading and leaving your comment.

  6. That prayer flag is perfect in its simplicity. I will keep the little girl and her family in my prayers. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Claudia for keeping Sakurako and her family in your prayers, and for your kind words about the prayer flag.

  7. Such a lovely, lovely, and very touching tribute, Maureen, for such a horrendous tragedy. It breaks my heart when I hear stories such as these.

    1. Thank you Terri for your kind words, it is a horrendous, hearth breaching tragedy indeed.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you - I can't say I "enjoyed" making it given the circumstances though.

  9. So sad, my thoughts and prayers are with the girl and her family

    1. Yes it is so very sad Sarah, thank you for your prayers and for reading her story.

  10. thank you for sharing Sakurako's story and the flag you created in her honor. Will be praying for her healing and for strength for her family.

    1. Thank you Linda - Sakurako has her first 10hr surgery today!

  11. Yes, thank you for sharing your flag and Sakurako's story! May BLéSSïNgS fly their way!

    1. Thank you Dia, I too hope blessings will come their way.
