
Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome Sunshine!

Prayer Flags

Ever since pinning these to my Prayer Flag board on Pinterest. I have been wanting to do something similar.
Yesterday , while some lovely but rare Winter sunshine gave us a much needed reprieve from all the rain and gloom that has been with us for what seems like forever, I finally managed make some similar flags.

Prayer Flags

This one is to express my gratitude that my coastal home has come through unscathed from the huge storms that have been battering the British coast. We are high up, away from the danger of flooding and thankfully the roof tiles are all still in place. Many others have not been so fortunate.

Prayer Flags
Springtime Dreaming

I am sure that I am not the only one willing Spring to arrive. A gift from across the ocean did all the work for me with this one, as the threads and silks just fitted the bill for this wild flag. For now these are safe from winds and back inside, but I look forward to giving them a spot in the garden once conditions improve.

Prayer Flags

...and while I have your attention :D ...
I want to thank those of you who continue to send us your prayer flags. If you are looking at this via a Reader come take a look at the new header that I have put together, and for those who have been asking for a blog button with code, there is now one done.
Keep those flags coming. All kinds are welcome, whether you have spent hours or simply thrown them together in a lot less time!!
Stay warm and safe, Deborah


  1. thank you for posting Deborah. Just what I needed to brighten my day. It's been a rough winter here in Pennsylvania!

  2. We are in the middle of Summer here in New Zealand and your beautiful prayer flags just echo the colours in my garden, and the thoughts expressed are very relevant, after a difficult week here on the family health side "gratitude" is perfect! Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. Nice flags and nice project.
    I am an art teacher in preparatory school.
    It is allways good to use fabric to do some art iniciative.
    Thanks for the post.

  4. These are BéÂüTïFüL!!
    Last year I brought some squares for my grandkids to decorate, then strung then and hung them on An arch in their backyard. They eavg drew a picture (with Sharpies) and wrote some words. I made a string of flags for my porch a well...
    LOVE these with ribbons and yarn!!

  5. Here it is June, almost July, and I've only just discovered this blog and project. I've been quickly skimming the posts but had to stop and comment on this "flag" in particular. I love the excess of streamers accompanying the thoughts/prayers in expressed in words.
