
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Seasons Changing

Deborah here. Today I wanted to show how I like to make my flags by recycling or re-purposing fabrics and bits and pieces that I already have.
Many of the flags that I have created have been from discarded projects or bits left over.

This flag is no exception.
I recently had a tidy up and sort out and found a piece of fabric that I had printed and forgotten about. A friend suggested I use it to make a flag, and while pondering what to do, my eye was caught by a garland of leaves that I made, and which have seen better days. 
I removed some of the leaves and the two elements seemed made for each other.

I did toy with the idea of adding some text but decided to just let the flag speak for itself and I am using it to send all of you good wishes as this time of changing seasons, be they Autumnal or otherwise, external or internal.

You can see the original piece of fabric here, and the garland here if you so wish.

I think that turning these bits into Prayer Flags is a great way use up that stash. try a new technique while also creating something that hopefully others will find comforting in times of distress or life enhancing, and hopefully I have inspired you do do the same.

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