
Sunday, September 1, 2013

For the Garden

Mostly all of the prayer flags that I (Jamie Fingal) have made, grace the wall inside my studio.  Today, I made some with stenciled houses on them, to hang in the garden at home

A view in the garden

Another view - they are 2-sided.  Blessings for our house!


  1. Mahalo for sharing your garden prayer flags with us this morning. Lovely!

  2. Lovely. My garden could have used a few prayers this year... a bit shy on the vegetables, but full of flowers.

  3. I keep my prayer flags indoors. But your new ones look so pretty outside!

  4. they are so pretty!
    A friend who is a Massage therapist (as I am) used to keep a basket of blank flags and a Sharpie in his office, and invited clients to write a prayer or saying on one (or more) when they came for their session! He hung them on his fence (perhaps weekly? )
