
Sunday, August 4, 2013

For John

Today we hear from Maryly Matthewman

" This is our Prayer Flag Protect. We renamed it Wish Flag Project for John Bradley Thompson but the ideas are still the same.

  John Bradley is a little boy currently at St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis receiving radiation and chemotherapy for a very rare brain tumor, DIPG.  We had our kick off day today with the Wish Flags and we gave out 85 flags and people were very generous in their donations. Many more flag kits are coming. Here are some of the flags.

 John is in Memphis with his net at the ready to catch all the wishes."  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see these flags for John. I've just moved to an area within proximity of All Children's Hospital and plan to offer a free class...making prayer flags for the children there, and their families. I have a friend, Karrie of Fiberologie, who has joined up with Jill at Whim So Doodle

    and they're coming up with workspace and art supplies.

    I simply love the Prayer Flag Project and the ways in which it's moving. GReat EnErGy.
