
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Garlands of Prayers for Everyone, Everywhere

My now completed garland of prayer flags waves across the entry way in our home in Salem, Oregon. I feel their grace, their power, and their love... every time I look up, or pass under them.

And I look in absolute and utter amazement at this KTSX news photo of a school ceiling in Oklahoma. The signs of the horrific devastation of a tornado's path.

Tattered curtains and broken lights and a view of the heavens above. An incredibly powerful image that evokes the feeling of prayer flags and bells.  

Prayers now released and finding their way across the 20 mile path of destruction. Beauty of spirit within chaos, loss, pain, and destruction. And it reminds me of my own roots and why I am so drawn to these signs, and symbols of something far greater than just the destruction. 

 I am reminded that after everything else is destroyed..there is still goodness. and there is still great love.


  1. Deborah, I had not seen that image till I read your blogging now.You are so right it is prayer flags and bells awaiting the next breeze to send out their messages.
    One of the hardest things is to find beauty in chaos/ugliness and you have ,thank you for that and for sharing it with us.

  2. The thanks goes to Michelle Bilyeu who made the flags and sent us these images. Follow the links to see and read more.
    Thank you for your appreciation.

  3. Thank both of you! The flags are still waving and the bells ringing and after a while all of our voices are one...

  4. " I am reminded that after everything else is destroyed..there is still goodness. and there is still great love." Thank you for this... I must share xx
