
Sunday, December 30, 2012

300 flags 300 blessings

Today I created and hung my 300th prayer flag  ... one prayer flag a day.

300 blessings ...
joining with hundreds and thousands of blessings carried on the breath of LOVE.

300 opportunities ...
to create
to pause
to reflect
to meditate
to stitch
to connect with another
to reduce
to consider the essence
to drink of the fountain of the wisdom of poets, writers, musicians, artists
to belong
to console

300 days where I knew I was...

May these 300 blessings join with all gestures of goodwill ...
invigorating and enlivening and inspiring and blessing our world.

Liz Pearce


  1. Wow...that's an achievement and a half! Beautiful words...and flags. The world is a better place.

  2. thank you Liz for your abundant grace.sonja

  3. After reading about your commitment to Blessings On The Wind I had to know more and discovered your incredible website with an abundance of creative ideas buzzing with energy and passion. A wonderful serendipity experience to jumpstart 2013. Blessings! (and thank you for being you).
