
Friday, April 13, 2012

Grief and Healing

My parents passed away within four months of each other.  I've been putting collections of their things, and photographing them in groups.This one is to honor my dad - his tools and pancake flipper, made into a quilted prayer flag.  Sort of like his tools of trade now enveloped into my work of fiber art, bonding us together. -- Jamie Fingal

and in my grieving, I need my house to be blessed with love and joy and healing

My prayer flags are hung in my studio, so that I can look at them everyday.  This project has been good for me, since it is hard to focus on large works during my grief, and I can concentrate my efforts on working small


  1. Beautiful, Jamie...the tender heart shows in your work.

  2. They look great hanging up on the wall. You've done quite a few!

  3. Your flags are beautiful. God Bless you on your healing journey.

  4. Jamie - your flags and words touched my heart - beautiful - may your parents memories always be a blessing xo Reva

  5. Thank you for this wonderful idea! I too lost my dad, and this would be a great way to remember him. I don't have many things of his, but can remember the most important touchstones and recreate them.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments about my healing journey. I appreciate it more than you know.

  7. thank you so much, Jamie, for sharing your grief and your flags with us. another testament to the adage that 'art heals' or most certainly helps the process...

  8. Your work is inspirational always and this is no exception. Hugs to you on your healing journey!

  9. Jamie,
    Your flags are beautiful, and I am sure your parents can feel your prayers.
    I'll make one for YOU and hang it in my garden this Spring. We all need to feel the peace and healing that only time and perspective can bring.

  10. oh wow. i can see you are a pro with the sewing machine.

    i, too, lost my mother recently and think of her in all i do as i wander through the days. i miss her terribly. i still have a recording of a message she left on my cell phone that i play when i need to hear her voice.

    keep on your marvelous creative journey. i love how you have already hung yours up.

    i am all over the map lately since we are ready for a trip to guanajuato next tuesday.


  11. Jamie, Your flags are lovely and a nice reminder of who our parents are to each of us. I, too, lost my folks recently and found the prayer flag meditations a time of connection with them through the images and ephemera that remain. Peace to you.

  12. I love that you took pictures of your father's things, artifacts/memories, and turned it into a photo and a prayer flag. Such a touching memento.

    Yes, all houses need to be blessed with "love and joy and healing."

  13. Hi Jamie - Such pretty designs and a tangible tender tribute to hang in your studio. I too am healing from such a loss and can identify with your beautiful work pictured here. I am currently surrounded with all sorts of meaningful and sentimental items, once belonging to my parents but have not been sure, quite how to manage them. Yours is a lovely and creative solution. As Jane said 'art heals' & I have found that art comforts as it provides joy.
