
Monday, April 30, 2012

A flag a day for a year

A huge welcome to Liz Pearce of New Zealand. She writes "In March this year, I read an article about The Prayer Flag Project. Its simplicity; its compassion; its power to heal, all appealed to me. I decided to commit to making one prayer flag a day for a year. Here is a record of my humble efforts. Often they reflect events in my own life. I hope they bring blessings to yours."

Click here to see her 52 flags so far, and click here to see her blog about each flag.
We are inspired by you, Liz!! thanks so much for joining us.
Here are just a few of her flags:



  1. WOW! Now, this is a prayer of longevity if ever I saw one. How utterly inspiring, and what a perfect post for this eve of Beltane, the leap from Spring to Summer! She lit a fire in my heart with her wonderful commitment. Thank you for posting it.

  2. what an amazing woman and an amazing concept, and i'm workin hard on a simple 26 lolol

  3. I came over from Timothy's blog just to have a look this sounds like an awesome idea

  4. Wonderful Liz!! that is a ig committment and it appears that you are more than up to the task!!
