
Friday, March 23, 2012

make someone happy, just one someone happy

Constanza Berger, AKA PereigineBlue here. I have been working on a few more prayer flags looking forward to the moment when they will all fly together in my garden. 
those of you who know me, have seen that i tend to use bright and happy colors
and recycled fabrics that i find in thrift stores which would otherwise cost a fortune.
thrift stores carry many XXL linen dresses and blouses for reasonable prices.  cutting them and washing them gives them a new life.  only recently have i discovered that you can also hand dye them at home with natural products from the kitchen.

this is the finished love flag

these are the original four
there is one "selfish one"
but all the rest are pretty altruistic i believe.
time permitting, i hope to make a total of ten which i think makes a round number and will make a varied array on the line.

i must take this opportunity to congratulate each and every one of you who has so far participated in this project.
you are the inspiration behind my flags.
and ofcourse, the organizers who have perpetuated this tradition.

if anybody is short on fabric scraps, just send me a line; as a fabric junkie, i have boxes and boxes of it and could easily put together a care package.
if you care to see my blog, the link is


  1. Your prayer flags are beautiful! It makes me happy just looking at them :)

  2. Love your colors and I too have taken to fabric shopping in thrift stores!! The thrill of the hunt and all that!! Keep up the great work!!

  3. what a fantastic project andyour prayer is just wonderful... i love that use recycled fabrics too... my kind gal :)
