
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Congratulations Vivika!

A heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to our good friend and fellow art quilter, Vivika Hansen DeNegre! Your Sisters in Cloth could not be more proud of you as the new editor of Quilting Arts Magazine! Let the words sing......


  1. Linda, you said it so well: We could not be more proud, and we know that Vivika will do a wonderful job at Quilting Arts.

  2. OMG!!! What a surprise!

    That is so beautiful!!! Who did this??? My SISTERS??? I can't wait to see it! Thank you all so much! (I think I used way too many exclamation points, but hey! That is what they are for!)

  3. What a beautiful flag and a beautiful thought behind its creation. Congratulations, Vivika!

    I've been absent from QA for a couple of years, but just renewed my subscription a few weeks ago!

  4. A lovely sentiment and a lovely flag.

  5. Nicely done, Linda. We think of this as a warm hug and a hearty pat on the back for our Sister...congratulations, Vivika!

  6. Hear, hear! And quite apropos:) Congrats, Vivika!
