
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Lorelai Walker: Dancing in the Rain

I discovered the Prayer Flag Project while visiting Jane LaFazio's blog, and I fell in love with the idea instantly, since it gives me an opportunity to spread goodness in the world, while finding myself as an artist.  So far, I have only completed one flag, but am already working on more.

The stamp on the flag says, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain," and I believe that this statement rings so true for me, and for many people.

I made this flag for my friend Annie, who is moving from Canada back to the us again next weel  This is a tough move for her family, as they have made many friends here, and they will be very missed.  I hope that Annie hangs this flag outside of her new home, and that it reminds her that no matter what life brings, she has support from her friends, who will dance in the rain along side her...

I have also recently started a new blog.  It is where I am keeping track of my progress as an artisan and an artist, and where I am finding peace in sharing that side of me, even though it is only being shared with me at the moment.

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