
Monday, February 8, 2016

For Tiffany

I made this prayer flag for my friend, Tiffany, who is in recovery from breast cancer. At the time I made it, her prognosis was uncertain as her cancer was very difficult and aggressive and was not responding to treatment as the doctor's had hoped. Today, I'm happy to report that she is thankfully on the recovery side of it having gone through a whole host of treatments and surgeries. I'm so thankful that she is alive and well!!YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!

Tiffany and I have been friends since middle school. She is a strong, gentle and kind soul. She is spiritual and is a yoga instructor. She eats and lives healthier than anyone I know. We went to our first concert together, she was my first friend to get married and have a baby, in college we took art classes together and ate lunch together in the covered patio overlooking the foundry. She travels yearly to India for instruction and yoga practice. I was so fortunate to meet up with her again this past summer for lunch at my cousin's house in New Orleans. It was so good to see her and hug her and wish her well for her fight and journey through this cancer. I was afraid she wasn't going to make it and I'm so thrilled and thankful that she did! I love you Tiffany!

The flag is made with batik from a favorite skirt of mine, part of a vintage cutter quilt, silk sari ribbon, and re-purposed prayer beads. It is both hand and machine stitched.

- Beth Pekins


  1. Beth, you made an absolutely beautiful prayer flag for your friend Tiffany. I am so grateful that another survivor beats a breast cancer and that she is doing so well! May she hit her 5 year, 10 years, 20 year and more celebrations!

  2. A survivor is such a good reason to celebrate! Lovely prayer flag!

  3. What a wonderful comment on friendship and healing. This flag glows with love!

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful flag and the story to go with it.

  5. What a special gift, and a beautiful story. So much to be grateful for!
