
Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Celebration of Life

Michele Bilyeu:

"My sister-in-law, Shelley, along with my youngest brother, Rick, fought a courageous 10 month battle with her Stage 4  diagnosis of small squamous cell cancer late last year. She lost that battle a week and a half ago while staying in Seattle, where she had been going every three weeks for chemotherapy, flying from their home in Juneau, Alaska to Seattle for chemotherapy.

They had tried and exhausted every kind of chemotherapy drug, and even tried experimental therapies in hopes of prolonging her life. That she lived a full 10 months with a terminal, late stage diagnosis and survived long enough to meet her first grandson is a testament to the determination of the human spirit against impossible odds......."
read more at: A Celebration of Life...

Thursday, August 21, 2014


The prayer flags were created during the community event, Splash from Loveproject.
The event was to helps save our water.

Splash prayerflags were unique as the youth not only created the flags but they had to take photos and turn them in to digital media.

- Karen

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Love Project Drop In

This was made with Organic sand cherry tree and berry paint on raw cotton 
by Karen from Love Project.

The remaining flags were made by the youth (ages 2 to 18) and mentors at Love Project.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful flags Love Project!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Prayer Flags for Birmingham, AL

Last weekend I held a mini workshop in my town for our "sister project" (The Happy Prayer Flag Project) and we created dozens of flags that will be sent to the city of Birmingham, AL to welcome the Dalai Lama this fall. Learn more about this wonderful project here. We had children of all ages creating flags, sewing, embroidering, and coloring their hopes and dreams in cloth. What a blessing to be able to share Carrie Bloomston's project!
- Vivika

Friday, August 1, 2014


Karen from has submitted these lovely photos of prayer flags created during Spiritfest, June 27-30 2014.  Spiritfest is a weekend of Music, Nature & Art in Mansfield Outdoor Centre, Ontario, Canada.

Thank you for sharing!