
Thursday, May 24, 2012

prayer flag for Health

Ileen here, I was inspired by Jamie Fingal and her quilt prayer flags. so I dug around in my hoard of fabrics and found this piece of 1" blocks I had done years ago. I added the sunflower and embroidered the word "health".  Sending prayers for many health issues these days.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Flag for a Friend!

I have a friend who is having shoulder surgery this week, and wanted to give her a prayer flag.  The flower pedals are things that she will need for her journey.  Love, comfort, strength, focus, courage and the goal of being able to reach with her healed arm.  Good luck my friend, and sending you prayers and positive thoughts.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kim Tedrow

Anna needs a good car
Kim Tedrow made these two flags recently.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Linda Bannan

Linda Bannan joins us with her first 5 flags.
Leave your fingerprint on the world

Hike the beauty

Honor nature

Bloom big!

If you're not where you want to be, go there. Geography is destiny.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

for Hershey, the chocolate lab

Linda Kunsman writes "I knew I wanted to start making some flags eventually but what I didn't know was that the first flag I'd make would also be in loving memory of the loss of a pet. My friend Trina adopted Hershey, a gorgeous chocolate field spaniel, from a couple who weren't able to care for her due to their busy schedules.

Unfortunately Hershey's health began rapidly declining a few months ago, and anyone who has had to experience making the decision to end the pain and suffering can understand what a heart-wrenching decision it can be. Towards the end, Hershey spent time at the beach with Trina- a place they both love. I was able to spend one of the weekends along with them and Hershey truly looked and felt better tho we knew deep down she was still suffering. Trina made her peace with her decision and with her beloved dog and ended her suffering. Here was my gift in memory of Hershey:

the back 
"Through love, through friendship, a heart lives more than one life."
                                                                     Anais Nin

Monday, May 14, 2012

flag for Andy

Juliet Ayer created this Prayer Flag is for her friend Andy who is having treatment for prostate cancer. Juliet writes "He's in hospital at the moment fighting an infection as the chemotherapy he had for non-Hodgkins lymphoma has weakened his immune system. Sending him strong healing wishes to Andy and to anyone else in need at this time. "

Thursday, May 10, 2012

flags in the breeze

Jane LaFazio here. I made a tiny video of my flags, hanging on my patio.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

prayer flag for love

Hello Prayer Flag project followers, Ileen here, I have been slow in getting more prayer flags completed and posted to this website, but do want to add my latest. It is made out of woven pieces of fabrics making a heart shape, stitched and made while my mother was going through some health challenges in March. It was a stressful and fearful time, but we felt the love of so many people.
I always am so inspired by the posts here--am really looking forward to getting some time to make more flags.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Flags of Aspiration

Bhavana Project 3 - 2012, with Cheryl Razmus (who completed flag #10)

 I would like to share some prayer flags from  The Bhavana Project , an ongoing community work that I created in 2005 inspired by the Tibetan flag tradition.  The first set of 12 flags completed in 2006, the second in 2008, and the third set is in process (almost finished).  These flags have traveled all over the country, and internationally during their process.  Take a look at more from the Bhavana Project here.

Bhavana Project 2 - 2008

Bhavana Project 1 - 2006  at Zabriskie Point, CA

Always open to new participants!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hi, Deborah O'Hare here. It seems to be a while since I last posted a flag and I guess that is simply down to life getting in the way of things. This is so often the way don't you find? Thankfully, for me, nothing major, just a reassessment of plans.

This flag was made yesterday afternoon and it took me less than an hour. I already had this scrap of fabric and the design  is one that I have explored before here and here. Sometimes you just need to get on and do something; maybe accept a situation, and move on.
I hope you are able to find acceptance, from yourself and others, if you need it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Linda Miller's flag answering the question, is peace possible?  Yes, peace is possible.  Stop, breathe, listen, and you will find it within yourself.