
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Prayers for Another Year...

Yesterday I made a string of flags... ok, it is really just a garland for my kitchen, but they look like prayer flags... in honor of my birthday.

I pray for another year of health and happiness, not only for me, but for my family.  

Another year of sunshine and shadows.  

Another year of mischief and mayhem.  

Another year together.

Because in the end, isn't that what we all pray for?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prayer for Hope

My prayer today is for Hope.
Hope of Acceptance, Hope of Recovery, and Hope of Cure.

This flag is made of old linen, lace, embroidery floss, rick rack and beads.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mary Lachman - Prayer for Peace

I was lucky enough to meet Vivika DeNegre on the Madison Green a few weeks ago. She inspired me to join the Prayer Flag Project.

This flag was made using recycled linen scraps embellished with fused cotton batiks for the dove, embroiderd words, and repurposed lace and buttons.

This is my first flag. It was completed today and hung outdoors between the raindrops to send my wishes out on the wind. My Prayer for Peace is not only for the world, but for friends and family, near and far.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Prayer Flag for Protection.

My name is Deborah O'Hare and this is my first post on The Prayer Flag Project. With that in mind I hope you will indulge me in a bit of selfishness with my first flags.

I have made these for myself and my family, for Protection, after having experienced not one, but two house fires within eight months this year.  

Buddist umbrella of protection

The first was a shed fire, but the whole back of the house was badly damaged from the heat of the flames.

The back

The second was a kitchen fire back in August, and as I write this I am still without a kitchen, eagerly awaiting the fitters to come along and put in a new one.

Woven Strips
I don't tell you this to promote sympathy. No-one was hurt and I count my blessings.
But I would be lying if I tried to deny how unsettling the whole experience has been.

Protective Celtic Knot

"Amddiffynion"-Welsh for Protection

So these are my flags, and my attempt to protect us from anything else the Universe might be planning to throw at us!

You will find me living in the UK on the South Wales coast, with my husband, two teenagers and a dog named Rosie!
I blog at thebluehare and Quilt Routes and I would love it if you came for a visit.
I am thrilled to have been asked to contribute to this great project.
See you again soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prayer Flags: Crafty Women Group Project

This Group Project comes from Gerre Davis.  She writes:

There are seven of us Crafty Women that meet monthly for inspiration, conversation, and good food - oh, and to make a project together.  Everyone takes a turn at pulling together a theme and it is definitely soul enriching to do this together.  The projects differ as we all have different interests, and as a result we really enjoy getting out of our comfort zones and experimenting with new ideas as we learn new things.

One of my projects was The Prayer Flag Project.  In this case we worked individually and came together to share our experience and what the project meant to us.

Linda Lubovich honored family members that she had lost.

I (Gerre Davis) focused on what I want the universe to bring everyone.

Corky Gutierrez created flags for lost family members that she keeps close to her heart.

Judith Turner is reminding us all to just "let go".

The flags were all photographed in Judy's beautiful healing and restorative garden.

We offer these flags so that our prayers may fly out not only with the wind, but also across the great inner space of the internet!